CASE Overview and Sample Questions: Texas

CASE Benchmark Assessments follow Texas assessment blueprints, so measurements are highly correlated with summative outcomes, and are customized to match each district’s scope and sequence. The result is highly actionable classroom data that reflects your students’ mastery of state learning standards.

CASE Overview and Sample Questions: Tennessee

CASE Benchmark Assessments follow Tennessee assessment blueprints, so measurements are highly correlated with summative outcomes, and are customized to match each district’s scope and sequence. The result is highly actionable classroom data that reflects your students’ mastery of state learning standards.

CASE Overview and Sample Questions: South Carolina

CASE Benchmark Assessments follow South Carolina assessment blueprints, so measurements are highly correlated with summative outcomes, and are customized to match each district’s scope and sequence. The result is highly actionable classroom data that reflects your students’ mastery of state learning standards.

CASE Item Bank Overview

With over 80,000 items that mirror the standards assessed in Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, the CASE Item Bank helps students practice and prepare for state assessments.

AB Connect Learning Standards

Academic Benchmarks offers digitized standards for more than 255 education authorities, including all 50 states and D.C., national standards such as the Next Generation Science Standards®, Career and Technical Education (CTE), international authorities, ISTE® standards and CollegeBoard AP® Standards.

AB Connect CTE Support

Career Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for career readiness through advancing academic and technical skills, knowledge and training. Like so many education courses and programs, rigorous standards are foundational to CTE. AB Connect supports state-specific CTE standards as well as the Common Career Technical Core (CCTC).

Professional Development Course Catalog

The key factor in improving student performance is the ability to make strategic changes to your instructional practice in response to assessment data. Our professional development team will walk side-by-side with leaders, instructional support staff and teachers to help you identify trends and develop actionable steps.

Navigate Item Bank Overview: Texas

For Texas educators, over 69,000 Navigate items have been written and/or aligned to Texas-Specific Learning Standards, including Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies and Economics and The standards assessed on the Texas STAAR assessments.


Product Overview: Videri

Videri brings together data from across your district in a seamless and scalable manner, so that you can see a comprehensive picture of your students. It provides teachers and administrators with real-time visual reports, intervention lists and student dashboards.

Navigate Item Bank

Navigate Item Bank Overview

Navigate is a formative assessment item bank that includes over 94,000 expert-designed, standards-based items that measure students’ understanding and provide actionable feedback to educators.