Standards and Assessment News | August 15


Alabama Secures Waiver to Replace ACT Aspire

The US DOE has granted Alabama a waiver to replace the ACT Aspire exam for the upcoming school year. Schools will use the Scantron assessment for the 2017-2018 school year in grades 3- 8, and is considering using the ACT College Entrance exam for the high school assessment. Learn more ; More here


Oregon Coalition to Create Ethnic Studies Standards

A bill recently signed by the governor of Oregon requires a coalition to create Ethnic Studies standards. The new standards will be included in the state’s Social Studies standards, with expected adoption in 2020 and implementation in 2021. Learn more


Pennsylvania Amends Graduation Requirements for Technical Programs

The new law in Pennsylvania removes the requirement for CTE students to pass the Keystone Exams. Students in technical programs will now be able to qualify for graduation based on other assessments, certifications, or grades. Learn more


Tennessee Expands ACT Retake Day for 2018

In an effort to help raise overall ACT scores, Tennessee is allowing all students in the class of 2018 to participate in its ACT Senior Retake Day. Last year resulted in 40% of students increasing their scores, so the state is expanding the program. Learn more


Virginia Considers Performance Assessments

Virginia is considering replacing traditional assessments with performance assessments in Social Studies and Writing. This would also check the way schools are accredited, as they are currently based, in part, on the SOL assessments. The plan is expected to be finalized by the end of the year. Learn more


Wisconsin Adopts Computer Science Standards, Begins Review of Other Standards

Wisconsin has adopted Computer Science standards, making it one of only nine states to do so. Additionally, Wisconsin is beginning a review of its Music, Science, and Information and Technology Literacy standards. Learn more